26 September 2012
EU Studies the Cost of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Heavy Duty Vehicles
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A study released by the EU, titled “Marginal Abatement Cost Curves for HDVs: Background Report,” calculates marginal cost abatement curves for emissions reductions by heavy duty vehicles (HDVs).

The study was released in the context of the EU goal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the transport sector by 2050 by 60%.

24 September 2012: The EU has released a study discussing the marginal cost abatement curves for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions for heavy duty vehicles (HDVs). The study has been released as part of work towards an EU-wide strategy for HDV emissions reductions.

The study, titled “Marginal Abatement Cost Curves for HDVs: Background Report,” introduces the subject, outlines the methodological framework for calculation of abatement costs and provides the input values. It discusses the outputs for a variety of vehicles, including those used for: service; urban delivery; municipal delivery; regional delivery; long haul; and construction.

The study was released in the context of the EU goal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the transport sector by 2050 by 60%. The study demonstrates “significant” break-even potential for reduction measures, when the entire lifetime of transport is taken into account. [Publication: Marginal Abatement Cost Curves for HDVs: Background Report]

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