25 June 2012
ESMAP Reviews its 2009-11 Work on Clean Energy, Access and Efficiency
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The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program's (ESMAP) portfolio review describes its energy assessments and strategy program, as well as its work on energy access, energy efficiency, and clean energy projects and activities.

The review highlights project results and outcomes, including contributions to government policy and World Bank energy sector lending.

22 June 2012: The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) of the World Bank released the report, “ESMAP 2012 Portfolio Review Fiscal Years 2009-2011,” which highlights results and outcomes of ESMAP projects and activities implemented since July 2008.

The review divides the 220 ESMAP activities under review into four themes. The first, on ESMAP’s Energy Assessments and Strategy Program, summarizes country level vulnerability assessments for the energy sector, work on regional energy integration strategies and support for low carbon development studies in developing countries. The second theme, Energy Access, looks at ESMAP’s work developing national energy solutions through: rural electrification strategies; energy small and medium enterprise (SME) development; and gender and energy development capacity building. It also highlights ESMAP’s technical assistance programme to scale up and accelerate national energy access programmes to support the UN Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative.

Under the third theme, Energy Efficiency, the report reviews ESMAP’s launch of its five year Energy Efficient Cities Initiative to promote energy efficient planning among cities in developing countries. This Initiative includes: analytical work; technical assistance and lending project support; outreach and partnerships; and an energy efficiency case studies database. The fourth and final themed section, Clean Energy, explores the analytical work and technical assistance on clean energy through renewable energy toolkits and training events.

The review also describes ESMAP contributions to government policies and its role in enhancing national capacity, introducing cutting-edge solutions, and disseminating knowledge. Further, the review found ESMAP plays an active role in influencing and improving the direction and quality of the World Bank Group’s energy sector lending. [ESMAP 2012 Portfolio Review Fiscal Years 2009-2011]