15 October 2014
EEA Report Identifies Triggers for Adaptation Policy
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According to a report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA), extreme weather events and EU policies are the primary drivers of climate change adaptation policy in Europe.

The report, based on a survey of national adaptation authorities, finds that information provision is the most commonly mentioned adaptation policy instrument, and water management is the most prioritized sector for adaptation.

EEA14 October 2014: According to a report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA), extreme weather events and EU policies are the primary drivers of climate change adaptation policy in Europe. The report, based on a survey of national adaptation authorities, finds that information provision is the most commonly mentioned adaptation policy instrument, and water management is the most prioritized sector for adaptation.

The survey, conducted in May 2013, found that adaptation has reached the policy agenda in more than 75% of the 30 EEA member countries that responded. After extreme weather events and EU policies, damage costs and scientific research were the third and fourth most cited reasons that countries have added adaptation to the policy agenda.

Respondents also indicated that climate change awareness is growing in their countries; more than 2/3 reported an increase in awareness over the past five years. Half of the countries surveyed demonstrate a high or very high willingness to develop adaptation policies at the national level, according to the impressions of respondents. However, a number of barriers were reported as hindering progress in this area: a lack of resources such as time, money or technologies; uncertainties about the extent of future climate change; and unclear responsibilities.

Although 21 countries have adopted National Adaptation Strategies, only 13 have put them into action, according to the survey. Additionally, only a few countries have implemented monitoring systems to track progress, but more than half plan to work on such a system. [EEA Press Release] [EEA Publication Webpage] [Publication: National Adaptation Policy Processes in European Countries – 2014]

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