26 March 2012
EC Announces 2012 European Business Awards for the Environment Shortlist
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Companies on the 2012 European Business Awards for the Environment (EBAE) shortlist come from diverse sectors including: telecommunications; retail; eco-design; transport; food industry; and construction.

This year a number of entries came from a new category “biodiversity,” which highlights those companies who have reduced biodiversity loss and supported natural ecosystems.

22 March 2012: The European Commission’s (EC) Directorate-General for the Environment (DG Environment) has announced the shortlist for the 2012 European Business Awards for the Environment (EBAE). Out of 156 submissions from 24 EU Member States and candidate countries, 14 have been selected as finalists for the awards, which are given to companies combining innovation, competitiveness and environmental performance.

The 14 companies are based in Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Slovakia, Finland and the UK. The companies come from diverse sectors including: telecommunications; retail; eco-design; transport; food industry; and construction. This year, a number of entries came from a new “biodiversity” category, which highlights those companies that have reduced biodiversity loss and supported natural ecosystems.

The EBAE was first awarded in 1987 and they are presented every two years to recognize companies protecting the environment in five categories: management practices; eco-friendly products; sustainable processes; international business cooperation; and biodiversity protection. [EC Press Release]

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