15 July 2008
Documents for IPCC29 Posted
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11 July 2008: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) posted on its website a provisional annotated agenda for its twenty-ninth Session, taking place from 31 August to 4 September 2008, in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Session will mark the twentieth anniversary of the IPCC.

A special programme to celebrate the anniversary is set for 31 […]

IPCC, Twenty-Ninth Session, Geneva, Switzerland, 31 August - 4 September 2008 11 July 2008: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) posted on its website a provisional annotated agenda for its twenty-ninth
Session, taking place from 31 August to 4 September 2008, in Geneva,
Switzerland. The Session will mark the twentieth anniversary of the IPCC.

A special programme to celebrate the anniversary is
set for 31 August and will include, amongst others, addresses by: UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; WMO Secretary General Michel Jarraud; UNEP
Executive Director Achim Steiner; and UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer. The
IPCC plenary will elect the Chair and members of the Bureau and Task Force
Bureau. It will also discuss, inter alia,
the IPCC Programme and Budget from 2009-2011
and the use and management of the funds from the
Nobel Peace Prize. A scoping paper on the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation
has also been posted on the website. The Panel decided to prepare the Special
Report at its twenty-eight Session (Budapest, April 2008) to be finalised in
2010. A
call for expert nominations from governments and organizations is currently
open. [IPCC Website]

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