19 June 2017: A number of companies are undertaking efforts to help improve educational opportunities for children and economic opportunities for youth, thereby helping to achieve SDG 4 (quality education), SDG 1 (no poverty), SDG 5 (gender equality), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) and SDG 17 (partnerships for the goals), among others.

Omnicom, a global marketing and corporate communications company, announced an expanded commitment to the SDGs by entering into two partnerships of three years each, with Theirworld and Girl Effect. The NGOs address education issues for children and girls. Omnicom has supported global and local education programmes since the June 2016 launch of the Common Ground initiative, which brings together the world’s biggest advertising and marketing services companies to support the SDGs. Theirworld uses research, pilot projects and campaigning to improve children’s health and education, while the Girl Effect uses mass media, mobile technology, and data and insights to ensure girls have access to quality education.

The Nigeria-based Sahara Group, a member of the Private Sector Advisory Group for the UN SDG Fund, highlighted its efforts in “selling” the SDGs to African businesses and building a network of companies dedicated to alleviating poverty. In addition, the company has launched the #NigeriaStartsWithMe campaign to meet the SDGs and the needs of young people working to make their communities more sustainable. The campaign urges youth to share their views on how they can contribute at the local and national levels. The Sahara Group will then compile the inputs on a portal titled the ‘Sahara Hub’ and share them with the president’s office and development agencies. The Sahara Hub uses the “extrapreneurship framework,” focusing on youth as economic engines for growth, and aims to help 12 million Nigerian youth over the next five years to grow and sustain businesses.

The Sahara Group helped the Nigerian government create the first country-level Private Sector Advisory Group to help realize the SDGs.

The Sahara Group also helped the Nigerian government create the first country-level Private Sector Advisory Group, which will: work closely with the Nigerian president to help realize the SDGs; build effective partnerships in order to improve Nigeria’s global SDG ranking and the livelihoods of low-income Nigerians; and help companies align their business practices with the SDGs and set measurable goals. The Group hopes to replicate the Nigerian Private Sector Advisory Group model in other countries. [Omnicom Press Release] [Video about Omnicom’s Partnerships with Theirworld and Girl Effect] [Theirworld Website] [Girl Effect Website] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on Common Ground Initiative] [UN SDG Fund Private Sector Advisory Group] [#NigeriaStartsWithMe Campaign] [Next Billion Blog on #NigeriaStartsWithMe Campaign] [Sahara Hub] [Nigerian Private Sector Advisory Group]