15 November 2010
Commonwealth, La Francophonie Identify Expectations for G20 on Climate Change
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The Secretaries-General of the Commonwealth and La Francophonie have outlined the expectations of their respective member countries with regard to the G20 and climate change.

9 November 2010: The Secretaries-General of the Commonwealth and La Francophonie have outlined the expectations of their respective member countries with regard to the G20 and climate change.

They recommend that the G20 should: recognize the climate change challenge faced by small States and least developed countries (LDCs) and the need to assist these countries to develop and implement national climate change plans; consider the development of an international framework under which national climate change plans of small States and LDCs could receive “climate change accreditation” in order to facilitate the speedy and effective use of available finance for climate change adaptation and mitigation; and agree to a roadmap for fulfilling the Copenhagen promise to provide US$10 billion per annum over and above existing official development assistance to small States and LDCs, with 10% reserved for the most vulnerable. [Commonwealth Press Release]

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