8 May 2014
COMIFAC Progresses in Regional Coordination for Forests
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The Commission des Forets d'Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC) has reported on the finalization of the first draft of the revision of the sub-regional Convergence Plan adopted in 2005.

The report was one part of the first quarterly update on the implementation of the 2014 annual work plan for the conservation and sustainable management of forests in Central Africa.

COMIFACMay 2014: The Commission des Forets d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC) has reported on the finalization of the first draft of the revision of the sub-regional Convergence Plan adopted in 2005. The report was one part of the first quarterly update on the implementation of the 2014 annual work plan for the conservation and sustainable management of forests in Central Africa.

The update states that the development of the COMIFAC web-portal is in its final stage and as such, the annual work plan goals on communication and capacity building are progressing. Other significant achievements in the first quarter of 2014 include the convening of meetings of regional groups on communication, biodiversity, climate change, and wildlife and protected areas.

Finally the update notes progress on the establishment of the Central African forest observatory, one of the key activities in the annual work plan. [Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Press Release] [Publication: Note de Synthese Trimestrielle sur l’Etat d’Avancement des Activites de la COMIFAC]