29 October 2013
CIFOR Summarizes Global REDD+ Study Findings
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The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) released a series of factsheets on the research findings and goals of the 'Global Comparative Study on REDD+,' which is being implemented to identify challenges and enabling conditions for REDD+.

CIFOR28 October 2013: The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) released a series of factsheets on the research findings and goals of the ‘Global Comparative Study on REDD+,’ which is being implemented to identify challenges and enabling conditions for REDD+.

The factsheets focus on the first phase of the study, which began in 2009 and considered REDD+ policies, REDD+ sub-national initiatives, measurements of carbon emissions, synergies between climate change adaptation and REDD+, and REDD+ benefit sharing. The factsheet also notes that the first and second phases of the project will examine multi-level governance, carbon management and land use decisions, and knowledge sharing.

The Comparative Study received funding from the Governments of Australia, Finland, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States as well as the European Commission and other inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations.

CIFOR is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [CIFOR Publications] [Publication: CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+: Factsheets on research findings and goals]