12 June 2014
CIFOR Reviews Scientific Evidence on Palm Oil and Biodiversity
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An Info Brief published by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) finds that evidence documenting the impacts of palm oil plantations on biodiversity is limited.

Based on available studies, the brief recommends using a precautionary approach alongside best practices for environmental management, while avoiding the conversion of additional natural forests to plantations.

CIFORApril 2014: An Info Brief published by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) finds that evidence documenting the impacts of palm oil plantations on biodiversity is limited. Based on available studies, the brief recommends using a precautionary approach alongside best practices for environmental management, while avoiding the conversion of additional natural forests to plantations.

Using a systematic literature review, the brief identifies 25 studies that address the impacts of palm oil on biodiversity. The review finds that biodiversity in palm oil plantations is lower than in natural forests, yet the abundance of organisms is not necessarily lower. Furthermore, the species composition of plantations differs from that of natural forests.

Given the low number of studies available, the brief calls for landscape-level research to assesses impacts beyond the species level, and impact evaluation studies that assess the impacts of different certification schemes and management practices. CIFOR is a part of the CGIAR consortium. [Publication: Info Brief Palm Oil and Biodiversity]

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