24 February 2010
story highlights

The Simultaneous Extraordinary meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (ExCOPs) convened under the theme “Greater Strength in Sync,” from 22-24 February in Bali, Indonesia.

The meeting represented the first time that three independent treaty conferences had simultaneously convened.

The meeting aimed to take decisions on, inter alia, […]

The Simultaneous Extraordinary meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (ExCOPs) convened under the theme “Greater Strength in Sync,” from 22-24 February in Bali, Indonesia.

The meeting represented the first time that three independent treaty conferences had simultaneously convened. The meeting aimed to take decisions on, inter alia, joint services, activities and managerial functions, and a review mechanism and follow up. Debate on joint managerial functions revolved around the potential of immediately appointing an interim joint head of the three secretariats. Delegates agreed to the appointment of a joint head, and to review the position and its effectiveness.
In addition to the synergies negotiations, the UN Environment Programme launched chemical and waste related initiatives during the ExCOPs, including “Safe Planet: the United Nations Campaign for Responsibility on Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes,” a global public awareness and outreach campaign of the Joint Services of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.
Links to further information
ExCOPs website
IISD RS report of the ExCOPs
UNEP press release, 21 February 2010

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