The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) has launched an online platform that aims to serve as a ‘one stop shop’ for technical tools and models, data, and knowledge to build capacity among air quality managers worldwide. The Air Quality Management Exchange Platform (AQMx)

provides the latest air quality management guidance and tools proposed to meet the interim targets of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Air Quality Guidelines.

Air pollution causes more than 8 million premature deaths per year, often affecting poorer places and more vulnerable populations the most. Yet, a UN Environment Programme (UNEP) press release notes, significant data and capacity gaps hamper efforts to address this crisis.

The platform was developed in response to Resolution 6/10, adopted by the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) on 1 March 2024. Titled, ‘Promoting Regional Cooperation on Air Pollution to Improve Air Quality Globally,’ the resolution calls for increased global cooperation to tackle air pollution by sharing best practices, tools, data, and information.

AQMx will work directly with air quality managers, to help address air quality management capacity gaps by providing curated guidance across key themes, including on air quality monitoring, inventory development, and health impact assessments. According to UNEP, “[t]he platform will expand to allow regional and sub-regional communities to exchange knowledge about air quality management best practices.”

“Tackling air pollution requires cooperation across administrative boundaries, across countries and across key sectors to implement tried and tested measures that cut pollution,” underscored CCAC’s Head of Secretariat Martina Otto during the platform’s launch. “With AQMx, we intend to close a capacity gap to create cleaner communities for us all,” she said.  

“With less than 1% of international development funding currently spent on clean air initiatives, we hope AQMx helps to make the case for urgent investment into initiatives that tackle harmful air pollution,” said Jane Burston, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and founder of the Clean Air Fund.

The platform was launched on 5 September 2024, ahead of the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, marked on 7 September. [Air Quality Management Exchange Platform] [UNEP Press Release] [WHO Air Quality Guidelines and Interim Targets



Global Partnerships

