11 December 2008
CBD Stresses Biodiversity Conservation’s Role in Tackling Climate Change
story highlights

9 December 2008: The ninth National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment, organized by the US National Council for Science and Environment under the theme of “Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing World,” took place in Washington DC, US, from 8-10 December 2008.

Addressing the Conference, Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological […]

Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing World 9 December 2008: The ninth National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment, organized by the US National Council for Science and Environment under the theme of “Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing World,” took place in Washington DC, US, from 8-10 December 2008. Addressing the Conference, Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), provided an overview of the CBD and its programmes of work, and called for ratification by the US.

Highlighting that US President-elect Barack Obama has already
demonstrated leadership on the issue of climate change, he stressed
that biodiversity conservation is part of the solution to climate
change, with deforestation accounting for 20% of global greenhouse gas
emissions and scientists estimating that forests harbor between 50 to
90% of all terrestrial species. [The Statement] [Conference Website]