25 January 2011
CBD Secretariat Invites Expert Nominations for ABS Clearing-House Meeting
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The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has invited nomination of experts for participation in the Expert Meeting on the Modalities of Operation of the Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS) Clearing-House, to be held from 11-14 April 2011, in Montreal, Canada.

18 January 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has invited nomination of experts for participation in the Expert Meeting on the Modalities of Operation of the Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS) Clearing-House, to be held from 11-14 April 2011, in Montreal, Canada.

The expert meeting will focus on practical considerations related to the establishment of the ABS Clearing-House with a view to providing input to the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the ABS Protocol, to be held from 6-10 June 2011. Each party to the CBD is invited to nominate one expert. International organizations, indigenous and local communities, industry, academia, ex situ collections and non-governmental organizations also are invited to nominate one expert as observer. The deadline for nominations is 18 February 2011. [The Notification]

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