10 July 2007
story highlights

The twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 12) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) convened from 2-6 July 2007, in Paris, France.

SBSTTA 12 adopted a number of recommendations to be forwarded to the ninth Conference of the Parties to the CBD, including on: the application of […]

The twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 12) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) convened from 2-6 July 2007, in Paris, France.

SBSTTA 12 adopted a number of recommendations to be forwarded to the ninth Conference of the Parties to the CBD, including on: the application of the ecosystem approach; the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation; dry and sub-humid lands; biodiversity and climate change; and biofuels. A number of issues with regard to climate change and biofuels remained outstanding and as a result, recommendations on these issues contain bracketed language. Immediately following SBSTTA 12, the second meeting of the CBD Working Group on the Review of Implementation convened in the same venue. This meeting is taking place from 9-13 July 2007.
Links to further information
IISD RS coverage of SBSTTA 12
IISD RS coverage of WGRI 2

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