30 January 2013
Brazil Eco-Stove Story Wins Annual UNDP Competition
story highlights

“Brazil's Eco-stoves empower indigenous women,” the story of a Brazilian family using clean, economical and green cookstoves provided through a UN Development Programme (UNDP), has been selected as the winning story in an annual storytelling competition that showcases UNDP's work around the world.

UNDP28 January 2013: “Brazil’s Eco-stoves empower indigenous women,” the story of a Brazilian family using clean, economical and green cookstoves provided through a UN Development Programme (UNDP), has been selected as the winning story in an annual storytelling competition that showcases UNDP’s work around the world. The winning stories are featured in “The Development Advocate,” a UNDP newspaper-style publication released at the first regular session of UNDP’s Executive Board in New York, US.

UNDP Administrator Helen Clark said the stories “remind us that people are and always will be the centre of UNDP’s work” on empowering lives and building resilient nations. She emphasized the winning stories showcase “the change and benefits we bring to the lives of some of the poorest and most vulnerable individuals around the world.”

A 12 member international jury selected 12 winners from 120 submissions by 66 UNDP Country Offices and regional programmes. Bangladesh’s “Empowering women to fight poverty,” which describes a nation-wide poverty reduction programme, placed second, and China’s “Farmers plant a seed for a chemical-free future,” which documents how UNDP supported 100,000 apple farmers to phase out pesticide use and market their products as organic, placed third. [UN Press Release] [UNDP Story] [Publication: “The Development Advocate: Volume 2”]

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