26 November 2008
story highlights

The Government of Brazil convened an International Conference on Biofuels, from 17-21 November 2008, in São Paolo, Brazil.

The Conference was organized under the theme “Biofuels as a Driving Force of Sustainable Development,” and sought to encourage international discussion about the challenges and opportunities of biofuels and related issues, such as energy security, climate change, […]

The Government of Brazil convened an International Conference on Biofuels, from 17-21 November 2008, in São Paolo, Brazil.

The Conference was organized under the theme “Biofuels as a Driving Force of Sustainable Development,” and sought to encourage international discussion about the challenges and opportunities of biofuels and related issues, such as energy security, climate change, sustainability of the production and use, innovation, and agricultural and industrial processing. The event was attended by participants from 92 countries as well as numerous non-governmental and private sector organizations. While no formal declaration was adopted, the summaries of Conference’s plenary sessions suggest that participants broadly supported a number of statements, including: a 10% share of biofuels in transport worldwide is feasible; biofuels can significantly contribute to combating climate change; the current food, energy and financial crises provide an opportunity to revise standards of production and consumption, and boost the development of renewable and sustainable energy sources; biofuels can be a driver of rural development; innovation and technology development in all aspects of biofuel production and use will increase efficiency in biomass conversion; and a number of measures are necessary to create global market for biofuels, including their classification as environmental commodities under the World Trade Organization and the reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers.
Links to further information
Summary of President Lula’s Speech
Summaries of Plenary Sessions

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