11 January 2011
BioCarbon Fund Releases Brochure on Afforestation/Reforestation Lessons
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The brochure, which provides a snapshot of a report to be released in early 2011, describes the focus of the BioCarbon Fund on A/R projects across a broad distribution of geographical regions.

December 2010: The World Bank has released a brochure titled “The BioCarbon Fund Experience: Insights from Afforestation/Reforestation (A/R) Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects,” which provides a snapshot of a report on the topic to be released in early 2011.

The brochure describes the focus of the BioCarbon Fund on A/R projects across various geographical regions. It highlights that the BioCarbon Fund has developed several A/R CDM methodologies and developed tools to facilitate the application of A/R methodologies. It also notes that, while project preparation time has decreased with the simplification of methodologies, the overall average time for BioCarbon Fund Project to meet CDM regulations is three years.

The brochure underscores that carbon finance can contribute to increasing land tenure security. It emphasizes the challenge of addressing non-permanence through temporary crediting, thus limiting long-term sequestration goals. It recommends that the CDM should consider: allowing A/R projects to use alternative approaches to temporary crediting; using flexible criteria for excluding deforested lands and revising land eligibility rules; simplifying additionality requirements, procedures for least developed countries (LDCs), and methodologies; and streamlining procedures. [BioCarbon Fund Brochure]

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