9 September 2013
Basel Secretariat Invites Organizations and Entities to Join ENFORCE
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The Secretariat of the Basel Convention has issues a communication inviting additional organizations and entities to join the Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE).

The communication sets out the intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) deemed eligible for membership in ENFORCE.

Basel Covention4 September 2013: The Secretariat of the Basel Convention has issued a communication inviting additional organizations and entities to join the Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE). The communication sets out the intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) deemed eligible for membership in ENFORCE.

ENFORCE was established in May 2013 at the 11th Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention (COP 11) through decision BC-11/8. It aims to prevent and combat illegal traffic in hazardous and other wastes through the better implementation and enforcement of national law.

The communication also notes that the first meeting of ENFORCE is expected to convene in Bangkok, Thailand, in November 2013. [Basel Convention Website] [Communication on ENFORCE]