11 February 2010
AU Posts Draft Concept Note for Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme
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February 2010: The African Union (AU) has posted on its website a draft concept note, dated 18 January 2010, on an Africa-EU renewable energy cooperation programme.

The note provides an outline of the proposed programme, including its scope, objective, outcomes, activities, key cooperation partners and next steps, as a first basis for discussion among African […]

February 2010: The African Union (AU) has posted on its website a draft concept note, dated 18 January 2010, on an Africa-EU renewable energy cooperation programme.
The note provides an outline of the proposed programme, including its scope, objective, outcomes, activities, key cooperation partners and next steps, as a first basis for discussion among African and European partners. The programme will build on existing joint activities and initiate new ones. It is expected to mobilize Europe’s technology expertise and innovation capacity to build expertise and capacity in Africa towards the development of its renewable potential, and at the same time help build a significant new area for industrial trade and business cooperation between Africa and Europe over the coming years.
Proposed activities include: strengthening renewable energy industry and markets in Africa; implementing renewable energy policies and measures; facilitating grid integration of renewable energy; mobilizing existing and new financial instruments to support renewable energy in Africa; supporting market-focused renewable energy research; ensuring development and technology transfer; and ensuring implementation and communication.
The draft concept will be discussed by the Third Joint Expert Group Meeting for Africa-EU Energy Partnership, scheduled to take place from 22-24 February 2010, in Cairo, Egypt. A draft project document is expected to be discussed at the Africa-EU Energy Partnership High Level meeting, planned for 20 April 2010, and finalization is foreseen by the end of 2010. [The Draft Concept Note]

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