3 May 2010
ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins Convenes Deforestation Workshop
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22 April 2010: The Alternatives to Slash and Burn Partnership for Tropical Forest Margins (ASB) recently organized a workshop in Lima, Peru, to contribute to building a national proposal for reducing Andean-Amazon deforestation and build capacity on issues in international negotiations on climate change and deforestation.

Participants included national and regional government officials, the private […]

22 April 2010: The Alternatives to Slash and Burn Partnership for Tropical Forest Margins (ASB) recently organized a workshop in Lima, Peru, to contribute to building a national proposal for reducing Andean-Amazon deforestation and build capacity on issues in international negotiations on climate change and deforestation.
Participants included national and regional government officials, the private sector and academia. The World Agroforestry Centre and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), as well as regional governments, made presentations on reducing deforestation. Participants identified agroforestry as the best strategy for integrating agricultural development with the conservation of forest. They also identified 37 approaches to reduce deforestation in their regions. ASB is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [Workshop press release]

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