9 July 2012
Alliance for Rural Electrification Launches Small Wind Campaign
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During the Campaign ARE will hold workshops, webinars and one-on-one meetings with energy sector decision makers to assess their country's or community's energy needs, fill information gaps and share best-practices on small wind development.

27 June 2012: The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) has launched the Small Wind Campaign, aimed at eliminating bottlenecks and misconceptions preventing developing country decision makers from integrating small wind into their energy choices for rural communities. ARE will conduct workshops, webinars and meetings with energy sector decision makers to assess their country’s or community’s energy needs, fill information gaps and share best practices on small wind development.

To mark the beginning of the 12-month Campaign, ARE released a position paper titled “The potential of small and medium wind energy in developing countries. A guide for energy sector decision-makers.” It recommends: that local communities and businesses be better educated on the benefits arising from renewable energy, and small wind technologies in particular; increased cooperation with expert companies in the form of partnership agreements and joint ventures; and that subsidies play a major role in accelerating small wind development, and be directed towards this and other clean, sustainable and cost-competitive technologies.

The paper includes case studies from China, Indonesia, Madagascar and Namibia. [ARE Press Release] [Publication: The potential of small and medium wind energy in developing countries: A guide for energy sector decision-makers]