15 March 2013
ADB Releases Working Paper on Sustainability of the Armenian Water and Sewage Company
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As part of its Central and West Asia Department Working Paper Series, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released a report titled “Armenia: Fostering the Long-Term Financial Viability and Sustainability of the Armenian Water and Sewerage Company (ASWC).” The paper outlines ADB's water supply and sanitation service interventions in Armenia, highlights the rationale behind the structure of a new tariff regime, and discusses lessons learned.

ADBMarch 2013: As part of its Central and West Asia Department Working Paper Series, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released a report titled “Armenia: Fostering the Long-Term Financial Viability and Sustainability of the Armenian Water and Sewerage Company (ASWC).” The paper outlines ADB’s water supply and sanitation service interventions in Armenia, highlights the rationale behind the structure of a new tariff regime, and discusses lessons learned.

According to the 8-page paper, water is abundant in Armenia, is considered unlimited and is therefore misused. ADB loans and assistance have led to network upgrades in 29 towns and 160 villages, but the ADB says these are insufficient to address the high level of non-revenue water.

The ADB Central and West Asia Department working paper series considers economic and development issues in Central and West Asia, with the aim of improving knowledge of Central and West Asia’s development and policy challenges, strengthening subregional and country operations, and contributing to national and regional policy dialogue. [ADB Press Release] [Publication: Armenia: Fostering the Long-Term Financial Viability and Sustainability of the Armenian Water and Sewerage Company] [Armenia Water Supply and Sanitation Project]