4 April 2012
2010 FAO Forest Assessment Available on CD-ROM
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The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has released a CD version of its 2010 Global Forest Resources Assessment, containing the full report, a summary of key findings, and various data tables.

In addition to deforestation, the Assessment identifies unsustainable forest management, climate change, forest fires, insect pests and diseases, natural disasters and invasive species, as threats to forest biodiversity.

FAO2 April 2012: The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 2010), compiled by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, is now available on CD-ROM.

The CD contains the key findings, country reports, result tables, terms and definitions, as well as the main report of FRA 2010, all in the six UN languages (Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). Information has been collected from 233 countries and territories between 1990 and 2010, and presents results for 90 variables measuring the extent, condition, uses and values of forests and other wooded land.

In addition to deforestation, the Assessment identifies unsustainable forest management, climate change, forest fires, insect pests and diseases, natural disasters and invasive species, as threats to forest biodiversity. [FAO Press Release] [IISD RS Story on the Launch of FRA 2010]

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