29-30 October 2012 San Jose, Costa Rica
XXXVI CIM Assembly of Delegates

The Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), part of the Organization of American States (OAS) system, is the principal forum for debating and formulating policy on women's rights and gender equality in the Americas. The biennial Assembly of Delegates, CIM's top body, examines issues of hemispheric concern and proposes and debates policy and programmatic solutions. The XXXVI Assembly is slated to discuss, inter alia, reports from Inter-American and UN organs working on gender and empowerment of women, the amendment of the CIM Legal Instruments, the implementation of the region's Belém do Pará Convention on violence against women, the CIM work programme, and elements of a San Jose Declaration on Gender to be adopted by the Assembly.  

dates: 29-30 October 2012   location: San Jose, Costa Rica   contact: Hilary Anderson, CIM Specialist   phone: +1-202-458-3306   e-mail: handerson@oas.org   www: http://www.oas.org/en/cim/assembly.asp