The Science Summit on Seamless Research for Weather, Climate, Water and Environment will provide an opportunity to shape the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) research agenda, building on the closer collaboration between weather, climate, water and environment research. An additional focus of the Summit is to close the gap between research and the derived societal benefits. The Summit is structured into five thematic sessions that will address: developing and implementing a new interactive model for integrating research and operations; improving predictive capacity across weather, climate, water and environment; and planning and investing in future infrastructures. The sessions will also discuss: nurturing scientific talents by guaranteeing the sustainable development of science, breaking through geographical, gender and age barriers, and ensuring institutional continuity and transfer of knowledge; and catalyzing innovation and mobilizing resources in weather, climate, water and environment science globally and locally.
20–22 October 2017
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia