The High-level Panel, ‘Urgent Call to Save Our Lakes: Promoting a Global Agenda for Sustainable Lake Management in Support of World Lake Day,’ will share ideas for lake management within the context of the global water agenda. The event will take place during the 10th World Water Forum, which will focus on the theme, ‘Water for Shared Prosperity.’

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) will organize the event. It will highlight the importance of freshwater as an essential natural resource for human health, well-being, socioeconomic development, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem services. According to UNEP, lakes supply approximately 87 percent of the liquid surface freshwater and serve as a source of significant ecosystem services, including the provision of water for human consumption, food, renewable energy, and health as well as regulatory, water purification, biodiversity, and climate services. Lakes are also facing declining water volume and decreasing water quality.

This high-level panel discussion will focus on the following topics:

  1. Appropriate targets and indicators of the global agenda and collaborative effort;  
  2. Pathways of the effort;  
  3. Political commitments and other actions to increase the momentum of World Lake Day to highlight the importance of implementing sustainable lake management.

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