22-24 June 2011 Geneva, Geneve, Switzerland
UNCTAD Public Symposium: Making Trade and Finance Work for People and the Planet

Organized by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the third annual UNCTAD Public Symposium provides a venue for multi-stakeholder dialogue on topics likely to dominate the global political agenda in 2011 and 2012. The Symposium will focus on two themes: global and regional initiatives for financial and monetary reforms for sustainable development; and making the transition to a green economy fair and equitable. Participants from civil society, the private sector, parliamentarians, academia, the media, international organizations and governments will be invited to discuss these issues, in particular in relation to key international meetings on sustainable development, such as the upcoming G-20 Summit, the Rio+20 process and the thirteenth UNCTAD Conference, to be held in 2012.  

dates: 22-24 June 2011   venue: Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland   location: Geneva, Switzerland   contact: Civil Society Outreach (CSO) Unit   phone: +41 22 917 5048   fax: +41 22 – 917 0056   e-mail: cso@unctad.org   www: http://www.unctad.org/Templates/Meeting.asp?intItemID=1942&lang=1&m=20993&year=2011&month=6