4 April 2011 Munich, Bavaria (Freistaat Bayern), Germany
The New Frontier – Towards A Collaborative Effort by Financial Institutions to Integrate Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services into Business

The objective of this workshop is to discuss how to advance the understanding and integration of biodiversity and ecosystem service (BES) criteria and risk management, lending and investment products.  

date: 4 April 2011   location: Munich, Germany   contact: Margo Hill   phone: +41-22-796-9240   e-mail: margot.hill@unep.org   www: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=8zoeipdab&v=0018iMS5L3VR6PffZ7B0W19MTwcUYCTpG4dk4M3v1aqWz7L1ue7lsssKI32hbJvMu7RNC_UIhOOyJ5yxxCIZu30f4opeWcLqncys7fZ0rGlqJE%3D  

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