25-27 June 2012 Los Angeles, CA, US
The Mediterranean City: A Conference on Climate Change Adaptation

The Mediterranean City: A Conference on Climate Change Adaptation will initiate an ongoing collaboration of cities working together to share ideas, needs and strategies to adapt to the current and future impacts of climate change as they similarly affect the five Mediterranean-climate regions of the world. The conference will bring together an international network of experts from the academic, policy, business, public health and government worlds. Mediterranean-climate regions largely occur along the western edges of continents between the 30 degree and 40 degree parallels in both northern and southern hemispheres. The Mediterranean climate, moderated by cold ocean currents offshore, is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. While these ecosystems cover just under three percent of the earth's land area, they contain about 20 percent of its plant biodiversity, including over 26, 000 endemic species.  

dates: 25-27 June 2012   location: Los Angeles, US   www: http://www.cvent.com/events/the-mediterranean-city-conference/event-summary-608171ff129f41ca824e89f112c41848.aspx?i=2ce27a9c-572e-4a67-8be6-4d325e1e3efb  

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