The tenth session of the World Urban Forum (WUF10), convened by the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), will bring together thousands of stakeholders to share practices and knowledge on how cities are built, planned and managed.

WUF10 participants will include representatives of: national, regional and local governments; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); community-based organizations; research institutions and academies; the private sector; development finance institutions; foundations; the media; and UN organizations and other international agencies.

Organized jointly with the Abu Dhabi Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities, along with partners including the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism, Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and General Secretariat of the Executive Council, WUF10 will provide an opportunity to increase local and regional knowledge on sustainable urbanization issues, learn from global lessons and increase cooperation with stakeholders on a global scale.

WUF10 will address key action areas, including:

  • Innovative financing mechanisms for sustainable cities;
  • Innovative urban solutions in housing, mobility, planning and governance;
  • Technology and data as enablers for sustainable cities;
  • Building human and social capital to build a sustainable urban future, with a special focus on youth and women;
  • Empowering cities as open investment platforms to harness an enabling business and regulatory environments; and
  • The impact of migration on cities.

The conference will contribute to sustainable urban development and implementation of global commitments such as the SDGs, particularly SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and the New Urban Agenda (NUA).


Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates