The tenth session of the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will bring together Heads of State, ministers, government officials, and representatives from the private sector, civil society and other international organizations to contribute to the energy transformation dialogue by raising awareness of the importance of intensifying global efforts to deploy renewable energy and of their impact on the energy transformation and sustainable development.

The Assembly will feature one ministerial roundtable and two ministerial plenary sessions, engaging ministers and high-level participants on topics such as ‘Decarbonization – Green Hydrogen,’ ‘Renewables Investment’ and ‘Hydropower’. A number of thematic meetings will also take place.

The Assembly takes place prior to Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, which will include the World Future Energy Summit and Future Sustainability Summit

The SDG Knowledge Hub summary of IRENA 9 is here.


Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates



Global Partnerships

