7 April 2020 virtual
Standing Committee on Finance Webinars for Contributors and Experts

The UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) will hold two webinars for contributors and experts for an informal exchange on the development of two reports the SCF is producing as mandated by the Conference of the Parties.

This first webinar on the 2020 report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement will conduct an informal exchange on the latest developments in methodological issues relating to determining the needs of developing country Parties from national, regional and global reports and data availability and gaps.

The second webinar on the 2020 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows, including information relevant to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement, will conduct an informal exchange on the latest developments on methodological issues and data availability and gaps relating to the MRV of climate finance and assessment of climate finance flows, and issues relating to mapping information relevant to Article 2, paragraph 1(c) of the Paris Agreement.

date: 7 April 2020
location: virtual
www: https://unfccc.int/event/standing-committee-on-finance-webinars-for-contributors-and-experts

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