16-18 July 2003 Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands
Seminar on Challenges and Risks of GMOs – What Risk Analysis is Appropriate? Options for Future Policy Making Towards Integrated Agro-Food Systems

This Seminar will present a multinational framework determining scope and restrictions for national policies and border protection, which in this context entails the relevant WTO-Agreements on Standard Setting, Labeling Requirements and Intellectual Property Rights. Parallel Multinational Agreements, such as the CBD, are presented and their respective relation to WTO Agreements clarified.  

dates: 16-18 July 2003  
location: Maastricht, Netherlands  
contact: Ruggero Lala  
phone: 31-20-620-0225  
fax: 31-20-624-9368  
e-mail: ruggero.lala@amsu.edu  
www: http://www.amsu.edu/courses/law/publ12003.htm