4-6 April 2022 Nairobi, Kenya
Second Segment of the Twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG-12)

The second segment of the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG-12) will take place in-person and online in April 2022. 

In July 2020, the OEWG Bureau agreed to hold the OEWG-12 in two components, consisting of an online segment and a face-to-face segment. The online segment was held over two days, on 1 and 3 September 2020. 

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin coverage of the online segment of OEWG-12 is available here.

Among other things, this second segment of OEWG-12 will continue consideration of matters related to the OEWG work programme for the biennium 2020–2021: strategic issues; scientific and technical matters; legal, governance and enforcement matters; and international cooperation and coordination. It will also consider its draft work programme for the biennium 2022-2023, which the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention (BC COP-15) is expected to adopt.

Preparatory meetings, including regional and Bureau meetings, will be held on Sunday, 3 April 2022. Whilst the format of the meeting will be face-to-face, there will be a possibility for online participation in the meeting, in accordance with the rules of procedure, for those who are unable to attend in person due to the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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dates: 4-6 April 2022
location: Nairobi, Kenya
www: http://www.basel.int/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkingGroup(OEWG)/Meetings/OEWG12/Overview/tabid/8264/Default.aspx