18 September 2013 New York City, US
Rio+20: From Outcome to Action: Partnering for Action on Green Economy

This panel discussion is being organized by the Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE), initiated by International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). It is organized in conjunction with the Environmental Management Group's (EMG) 19th Senior Officials Meeting, and is intended to provide an informal platform for governments, UN agencies, donors and other stakeholders to share national experiences on recent initiatives and developments towards green economy promotion in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.  

date: 18 September 2013     10 am-1 pm   venue: UN Headquarters, Conference Room 5   location: New York City, US   contact: Amber Barth   phone: +1-212-697-0150   e-mail: barth@ilo.org   www: http://unemg.org/index.php/2013-04-23-13-11-24/2013-04-23-13-11-52/2013  

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