10-14 November 2008 Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Provoking Change: Strategies to promote forest users in the Amazon

This conference aims to: critically discuss current strategies for rural development and forest conservation in the region; catalyze processes of reflection and learning as stimulating options for promoting forest based rural development; discuss possibilities for overcoming political, technical, legal and financial barriers for sustainable development; identify feasible approaches to support forest users in the Amazon to more effectively use their resources; and provide orientation about skills, methods, strategies and key factors required for effectively reaching local forest users.  

dates: 10-14 November 2008  
location: Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Plurinational State of  
contact: Congress Coordination Office  
e-mail: inka.Montero@waldbau.uni-freiburg.de  
www: http://www.waldbau.uni-freiburg.de/forlive/05_Events/sc.html