28-30 June 2011 Panama City, Panama
OIE Global Conference on Aquatic Animal Health Programmes: Their Benefits for Global Food Security

This conference, organized by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), will provide a forum for OIE members and other participants to exchange the latest information on a science-based approach to the management of aquatic animal health and food safety at the production level. Participants will share their experience in the prevention, detection and control of aquatic animal diseases, safeguarding food safety, and related contributions to sustainable management of the aquatic environment.  

dates: 28-30 June 2011   location: Panama City, Panama   contact: Alejandra Torres-Balmont   phone: + 33-1-   fax: + 33-1-   e-mail: a.balmont@oie.int   www: http://www.oie.int/eng/A_aquatic/home.htm