1-5 July 2002 Kampala, Uganda
Ninth Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN)

The objective of the ninth session is to provide a platform for environment ministers to critically analyze the AMCEN in light of the perspectives offered in the context of WSSD and the major developments occurring in the region. Of special significance is the key question on the links between environment, poverty reduction and economic development. In particular, the Conference will discuss means of effectively interacting with the African Union and New Partnership for Africa’s Development. Ministers are expected to look at, among other things, the need for institutional linkages with the Secretariat and the Heads of State Implementation Committee of the NEPAD, the Commissions of the AU and the Sub-regional Economic Communities.  

dates: 1-5 July 2002  
location: Kampala, Uganda  
contact: Angele Luh  
phone: 254-2-624292  
fax: 254-2-623928  
e-mail: Angele.Luh@unep.org