The agenda for the nineteenth meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) includes: Comprehensive report on the implementation of the strategic plan; Guidance from the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC; Review of the structure and effectiveness of the independent Technical Advisory Panel; Matters related to observers, including the guidelines on observer participation and Policy on Ethics for the active observers; and Risk management framework.

On policies related to the approval of funding proposals, the Board will consider the GCF portfolio and pipeline and options for the development of a two-stage proposal approval process, among other agenda items. For the nineteenth meeting of the Board, 23 funding proposals will be considered, representing requests for US$1,093.5 million of GCF funding, and supporting projects and programmes with a total value of US$3,409.0 million.

The SDG Knowledge Hub summary of the eighteenth meeting of the Board of the GCF is here.


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