The Middle East and North Africa Climate Week (MENACW) is part of Regional Climate Weeks that are held annually in various regions. Regional Climate Weeks are organized by the Nairobi Framework Partnership, which supports developing countries in preparing and implementing their NDCs.

MENACW was expected to take place in late 2020, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Regional Climate Weeks are expected to take place in 2021. The organizing partners will discuss a possible schedule of Regional Climate Week meetings for 2021 keeping in mind uncertainties around the precise timing of COP26 in 2021. Virtual solutions to fulfill some of the objectives of the Regional Climate Weeks are also being explored.

The Regional Climate Weeks will build on the success of the 2019 Regional Climate Weeks in: Accra, GhanaSalvador, Brazil; and Bangkok, Thailand.  

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates



Global Partnerships


