3 July 2014 Geneva, Geneve, Switzerland
ITPGR 10th Anniversary Celebration

Co-organized by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR) and the Geneva, Switzerland, office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) under the patronage of the ITPGR High-Level Task Force, this high-level event will mark the tenth anniversary of the ITPGR's entry into force. The event will focus on the Treaty's role in addressing food-deficiencies in low income countries and preview future contributions to technology innovation for food security, agricultural biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation. The agenda includes presentations on recent activities and achievements in benefit-sharing and a round table discussion on future challenges and opportunities. In addition, an overview of the currently on-going third round of projects under the Treaty's Benefit-sharing Fund will aim to showcase the vital role of plant genetic resources in ensuring global food security and the success of the Treaty's system of access and benefit-sharing (ABS). The event will also highlight recent progress with regard to non-monetary benefit-sharing through the development of the Treaty's Global Information System on plant genetic resources, including a new initiative on seeds and genomics called “DivSeek.”  

date: 3 July 2014  
venue: United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG), Palais des Nations, 8-11 Avenue de la Paix  
location: Geneva, Geneve, Switzerland  
contact: Afshaan Shafi  
phone: +39-06-570-56628  
e-mail: afshaan.shafi@fao.org  
www: http://www.planttreaty.org/content/international-treaty-turns-10