26-28 September 2011 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
International Seminar on Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change

The Inter-American Institute for Agricultural Cooperation (IICA) and the Government of Mexico will cohost an international seminar on adapting agriculture to climate change. IICA is a specialized affiliate of the Organization of American States (OAS) based in San José, Costa Rica. The Seminar will serve as the first event and formal launch of IICA's new Intergovernmental Programme for Cooperation on Climate Change – Opportunities and Challenges in Agriculture (PRICA-ADO) that brings together Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama to tackle adaptation issues affecting the subregion's agricultural sector.  

dates: 26-28 September 2011   location: Mexico, Mexico   contact: PRICA-ADO Programme   phone: +52(55) 5575-2424, ext. 114   fax: +52(55) 5559-8887   e-mail: prica.ado@iica.int   www: http://www.priccca.net/paginas/index.php?pagina=programacionSeminario&dia=26&mes=9&ano=2011&diaSeleccionado=20110926