17-20 December 2007 Kunming, Guizhou, China
International Conference on Sustainable Forest Management and Poverty Alleviation: Roles of traditional forest-related knowledge

Organized by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and others, this conference will provide a platform for sharing of information and exchanging experiences related to traditional forest-related knowledge (TFRK) in the Asia-Pacific region, and highlight the importance of TFRK in achieving the millennium development goals and sustainable forest management.  

dates: 17-20 December 2007  
location: Kunming, China  
contact: Liu Jinlong, Chinese Academy of Forestry  
e-mail: liujl@caf.ac.cn  
www: http://www.iufro.org/download/file/1928/3500/kunming07-tftfk-1st-announcemt-call.doc