19-22 November 2012 Kaohsiung, Kao-Hsiung, Taiwan
International Banana Symposium

Scientific experts, researchers, government agencies and private industries working on banana issues will gather for an international banana symposium co-organized by the Taiwan Banana Research Institute (TBRI), Council of Agriculture (COA) of Taiwan, Bioversity International and the Banana Asia Pacific Network (BAPNET). The symposium's theme will be “Banana health management, use diversification and adaptation to climate change.” Bioversity International is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Abstracts should be submitted by 30 September 2012.  

dates: 19-22 November 2012   venue: Lees Hotel   location: Taiwan   additional: Kaohsiung City   contact: Shin-Chao Chiang   e-mail: shihchaochiang@yahoo.com.tw   www: http://www.itfnet.org/v1/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/International-Banana-Symposium_2nd-Announcement.pdf  

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