22-23 August 2011 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Informal Consultations on UNCSD

The Government of Brazil will host informal consultations on the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), in order to provide Government officials from UN member States with an opportunity to freely exchange views on the two themes of the Conference. Countries will be able to test ideas and proposals in the context of the preparation of their inputs to the UN Secretariat by 1 November 2011, for the UNCSD Compilation Document. The consultations are preceded by a consultation meeting with international civil society, titled “Towards Rio+20,” on 19 August 2011, which has a focus on the objectives, themes, and organization of the Conference.  

dates: 22-23 August 2011   venue: Palacio Itamaraty, Avenida Marechal Floriano, 196, downtown area   location: Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil   contact: Permanent Mission of Brazil to the UN   phone: +212-372-2600   fax: +212-371-5716   e-mail: delbrasonu@delbrasonu.org  

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