12 February 2013 Brussels, Belgium
IEA-RETD Workshop on Communication Strategies for Renewable Energy

This meeting will present the results of a scoping study commissioned by the International Energy Agency's Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (IEA-RETD) Implementing Agreement that explored experiences with developing effective communication strategies for renewable energy, and identifying and addressing barriers to increasing effectiveness in the future. The objective of the meeting will be to address the following questions: How can communication campaigns be better prepared and evaluated?; How can audience identification and segmentation be improved?; What goals are most feasible for government communications campaigns? and; What are the most significant barriers to effective communications in the renewable energy sector? The meeting will include a summary of results from the project team and highlight good practice case studies from government, the corporate sector and civil society. These experiences and findings will be discussed in interactive discussion sessions. Finally, the meeting will set out to identify knowledge gaps in renewable energy communications, barriers to improved communications and address ways in which IEA-RETD can tackle these problems. The Communication of Best Practices for Renewable Energies (RE‐COMMUNICATE) project is being carried out for IEA-RETD by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Green Budget Germany / Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS), and the renewable energy communications agency Collings & Monney. Participation in the meeting is open to all, pending space at the event location.  

date: 12 February 2013   venue: Eurocities, Square de Meeûs 1, B-1000 Brussels   location: Brussels, Belgium   contact: Richard Bridle   e-mail: rbridle@iisd.org   www: http://iea-retd.org/archives/events/re-communicate-workshop-2