9-10 April 2014 Lima, Peru
ICAO States’ Action Plan Seminar for the South American Region

The ICAO States' Action Plan Seminar for the South American (SAM) region will provide national action plan focal points with information on the development and update of States' action plans, with a focus on data collection and mitigation measures undertaken by States. This event is reserved for national action plan focal points only, which have been nominated by their respective State.  

dates: 9-10 April 2014   venue: ICAO South American Office, Av. Víctor Andrés Belaúnde 147 Principal No. 102   location: Lima, Peru   contact: Onofrio Smarrelli   phone: +511 611-8686   e-mail: icaosam@icao.int   www: http://www.icao.int/SAM/Documents/2014-ENV/SA023%20StatesAviationAndEnvironment.pdf