7 December 2012 Geneva, Geneve, Switzerland
Group of Experts on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for International Transport Networks: Fifth Session

The Fifth Session of the Group of Experts on climate change impacts and adaptation or international transport networks will convene 7 December 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland. Items on the provisional agenda include, inter alia: discussion on the Report of the Group of Experts; and Replies to the Questionnaire for collecting information on existing and potential climate change impacts on transport, as well as degree of preparedness and relevant policies for adaptation.  

date: 7 December 2012   venue: Palais des Nations, Geneva, Avenue de la Paix 14, 1211 Genève 10, Switzerland   location: Geneva, Switzerland   contact: UNECE Transport Division   fax: +41-22-917 0039   e-mail: anastasia.barinova@unece.org   www: http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp5/wp5_ge3_05.html