Global Soil Week (GSW) 2017 or GSW’17 will convene under the theme ‘Catalysing SDG Implementation through a Soil and Land Review’ with the aim of contributing to the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) 2017. It will conduct a pilot thematic review of the subset of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under focus by the HLPF this year from a soils and land perspective. The GSW’17 Lab, an open space for multi-stakeholder deliberation on gaps and synergies within and between the SDGs, will show how to look at SDG 1,2,3,5,9,14 and 17 through the lens of soil and land. Three GSW’17 workshops will focus on: (1) Sustaining and upscaling achievements of SLM initiatives; (2) Right to [defend] Land: strengthening accountability at the local level through thematic reviews; and (3) Competing Pressures on Soil and Land: securing our natural resource base for food security.


Berlin, Germany



